Author: Stuart MacLeod

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Developing a KM Network with ADB

IMA provided support to ADB in the Philippines to develop a business case for creating a Regional Knowledge Management Network. It was important to develop a KM network in the initial research. IMA looked into the existing Knowledge Management networks in ADB and how they function. IMA then assisted in identifying the potential gap that […]

Two stories about financial reserves

Over recent months, whether international development organisations have had enough ‘reserves’ has been a key factor of whether they have been able to continue. Even those that have had reserves, have now largely used these up in order to survive. For many, things are still on the edge but, as soon as possible, we need to repair the damage done to reserves and try, if we can, to build them up. 

Ten uses for Participatory Video

Participatory Video (PV) is a method of film production in which a group of people or a community make a film together to explore an issue that is important to them, create dialogue, and give a platform to unheard voices. What makes it different from conventional filmmaking methods is that the participants are fundamentally involved in […]

A Livelihoods Assessment and a Warm Welcome

The coast of Red Sea State, Sudan, has an outstanding marine ecosystem. Over recent years a number of factors have pushed pastoralist communities to coastal areas to diversify their livelihood strategies - predominantly into fishing, and these fishing grounds need sensitive management. As a first step towards an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management IMA international was invited by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, and UNIDO, to conduct a livelihoods analysis among the fishing communities, using the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA).

Developing a Theory of Change with Porticus Africa

IMA International were invited to facilitate and support the Porticus team in developing their Theory of Change and MEL framework.

Getting to know Mansoor Ali

The importance of learning, how we learn, and evolving the ways people learn, is undeniably important to Mansoor. His love of learning could not have resonated more from our conversation this week.

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