Author: Stuart MacLeod


Getting to know Arta Istrefi-Jahja

She is driven and passionate about helping people, in particular providing education and inspiration for younger generations and those who have limited access to education, something her parents taught her from a young age that she feels is now part of her “genetics”. Her father would often say "without education you are just another person with another opinion" - wise words Arta has been influenced by throughout her life, perhaps a reason behind her love of learning and teaching, and that she carries with her in her PhD and in her future goal of becoming a lecturer (more about that later). 

Online content creation - tips and tools

If you’re using online platforms, apps or software for communication and/or content creation, here are some tips and tools, that I have used, that may just help you too. 

How Monitoring Data can become useful at the project level

I have been working with IMA international on development of a new online course, so what is it about?  Well, it is about a unique system and set of tools which has emerged from my 40 years of developing learning systems in large, complex projects many of which followed a learning process. It’s Less about frameworks, indicators and terminal evaluations; more about monitoring internally to learn and change during the investment period. A different sort of animal.

How can M&E and policy work together effectively?

Often, M&E Systems for large organisations, for example ministerial departments, can struggle to ‘touch the ground’ in terms of getting any meaningful information from the reality in the field. Results Based Management approaches and systems based on national policy have positives and negatives. The positives of national RBM systems is the logical coherence and the coordination of action they give.

Why is Knowledge Management beneficial?

While among practitioners in Knowledge Management (KM) there is no commonly accepted framework to measure the beneficial impact of the practice,[1] KM is an important discipline which in the past decade has attracted more attention across organisations for a reason. “Knowledge is power”, it is the power within an organisation which enables it to be sustainable, resilient and effective. Hence, we need to know how to manage it effectively.

Why being financially sustainable is important for organisations, especially in uncertain times?

Sustainability is a buzzword, but what does it mean for organisations? Being sustainable, and especially financially sustainable means that the organisation has the ability to adapt to new circumstances and to develop resilience in uncertain times. Those organisations which fall into the category of “financially sustainable” have a greater potential to bring broader societal benefits even during unforeseen global challenges. Their service is not, or is less affected by external impacts, such as a decreased income due to restrictions or lack of funding by donors.
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