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Faced with 2 KM challenges in Rwanda

Having supported the APEFE (Association for the Promotion of Education and Training Overseas) HQ Brussels team on knowledge management last year, we were excited to work directly with APEFE Rwanda staff and partners in country this October. The IGIRA KU MURIMO (IKM) programme in Rwanda is a Workplace Learning Support Programme, currently being piloted in parts of Rwanda.

Challenge n. 1 is the innovative dual pathway which involves the private sector much more actively in the learners’ journey. Learners spend time in TVET institutions and in companies, and companies are actively supported to enhance their inclusion and knowledge/skills transfer practices. Since this programme is a pilot, it is essential to have mechanisms that capture, document and share the experience and lessons learned. Our 5-day KM training helped the programme partners to think through how to capture tacit knowledge which can shed light on companies’ and learners’ experiences.

Challenge n.2 is the partnership aspect. The programme is designed, coordinated and implemented through a partnership between six different bodies: the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA), Private Sector Federation (PSF), Rwanda Development Board (RDB), Workplace Development Agency (WDA), Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) and APEFE. The programme depends on this partnership being successfully effective. For this, continuous efforts and mechanisms are needed which enable the different institutions, networks, and their members, as well as other stakeholders, to regularly meet, share and exchange experiences.  The workshop allowed participants to work in small peer groups, fostering much needed conversations about roles and expectations, as well as discussing in plenary to validate collective understanding. The dedicated KM Focal Team which was established with representatives from each of the partners, will ensure that knowledge sharing practices are promoted in their respective institutions and also embedded in the 2020 implementation.

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