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IMA work with the Botswana National Productivity Centre

The Botswana National Productivity Centre (BNPC) was established in 1993 with the overall objective of “promoting increased productivity, improving standards of management and labour-management relations, and stimulating productivity consciousness in Botswana.” In line with supporting Botswana Vision 2036 and the National Development Plan (NDP) 11, BNPC has taken the deliberate decision to build its internal Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) capacity. Two key staff took part in our M&E for Results course in Cape Town 2018, and following on from this we designed a week-long M&E training and an associated Training of Trainers. Silvia Capezzuoli and Daisy Macdonald facilitated these events at BNPC.

The 5-day M&E workshop at BNPC brought together 25 internal consultants, researchers and support staff to better understand collectively how M&E practice can be improved within the organisation. A sense of common purpose was fostered across roles and responsibilities, with participants really valuing the sharing of internal experience; the opportunity to maximise programmatic connections and the organisational investment. “Happy, exhilarated, excited, motivated, energised, full of possibility, equipped….” are a few of the sentiments expressed towards the end of the workshop. A resounding sentiment was the desire to apply the learning to BNPC projects, at respective levels.

12 participants continued onto the 3-day associated Training of Trainers, which further built their capacity in multiple ways: supporting the practice of M&E internally in BNPC; providing M&E guidance to clients; supporting BNPC strategic planning through developing collective theories of change; enhancing internal training and facilitation skills. The group developed an ‘M&E Champions wall’ to really consolidate their understanding of the purpose of M&E, and why it is needed in the organisation. As a part of a visioning exercise, the group elaborated a vision for M&E in BNPC, and developed a collective action plan with individual commitments and timeframes to embed M&E in working practice, and identified what else is needed in order to embed M&E in BNPC. This collective plan now forms the basis for taking M&E forward, including the planned development of an organisational M&E framework.

Eileen shares her experience of communicating results
Kobotsampa shares her experience of what makes a good trainer
Mbako shares his experience of M&E
Bernard shares his experience of embedding M&E

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