Online Tailored Training in Knowledge Management with ASEAN
Why an online tailored training? Online tailored training can be a great resource for busy teams that find it challenging to get the time to attend face-to-face training. An online...
Two months after part one of the KM in-house program with APEFE, we returned to Brussels for part two. We supported the whole HQ staff team of 17 develop their KM strategy, aligned to their current strategic planning process. We started with a collective review of the team's knowledge management commitments since part one. Keeping true to our design principle, we blended input, practice and applying the learning. We introduced and used key KM tools, after action reviews, retrospect, peer assist, communities of practice and KM champions, here using an adaptation of World Café methodology. Throughout we built elements to help produce a KM strategy.
These included envisaging a KM organisational ideal in Lego, from the perspectives of the operation and programmatic teams.
Another was to envision KM as a growing tree, with the roots of shared personal and group attitudes and the leaves are supporting aspects already in place.
Another was to produce directions of travel in the form of metaphors, these directly informed making practical plans and next steps.
Together team members looked back on APEFE's history and produced a visual timeline. Here we see the red thread of the time line, connecting key KM influences and moments over the previous decades of APEFE's life. This enhanced institutional memory and strengthened personal and team motivation. Expressing these elements helped the team move forward to pin down key actions for the coming months. The director of APEFE confirms that not only was this tailored program fitting for the team and their KM aims it was equally about the members coming together as a team.
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