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Knowledge Management training for the Asian Development Bank

Maximizing learning and application of KM tools and practices

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IMA International developed a tailored online Knowledge Management (KM) training program for Asian Development Bank (ADB) staff across five cohorts, as part of the capacity building component of ADB's Knowledge Management Action Plan (KMAP) 2021-2025.

The Core Knowledge Management Certification Training consisted of two virtual programs that covered KM core concepts and fundamentals, practices, methods, and tools. The training was designed specifically for ADB to maximize learning and application of KM tools and practices that will facilitate KM flow in the ADB business processes.

Knowledge Management Action Plan

Working in four parallel cohorts the purpose of the training was to enhance the capacity of KM focals to become confident, leading KM advocates; to feel better equipped to lead and implement KMAP; advance the planned activities within each KMAP pillar; and contribute to meeting the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards on KM.

At the end of the training, participants had a comprehensive understanding of the creation and delivery of client-oriented knowledge, strengthened country knowledge programming, and came up with measures to evaluate quality knowledge products, as well as lead KM in their respective departments.

Importantly, the trainings fostered cohesion, trust, and understanding so that the ABD network of KM focals can continue to develop and support KM initiatives within the bank.

What is Knowledge Management?

Watch this video to find out more about what Knowledge Management is, from IMA senior consultant, Silvia Capezzuoli.

"Highly recommended learning course, eyeopening, completely changed my perception and understanding of KM/KS and the course showcased how small tweaks and improvements can have a huge impact. I sincerely appreciate how concise the whole learning course is, and I always learn something new everytime I re-read and watch the resource materials. Thank you Olivia, Silvia and the entire IMA team for the exciting and wonderful KM learning experience! All the best!"

Anonymous - ADB KM Tailored Training

Delivery Methods, Tools and Techniques

The trainings were delivered virtually, each comprising 7 live, facilitated group webinars for each cohort running in parallel with interactive discussion, as well as providing time for self-study and reflection. Following conversations with ADB managers, and an individual Learning Needs Analysis of the training participants, 12 self-learning modules were adapted to provide a comprehensive learning journey, using a bespoke learning platform. IMA consultants liaised with ADB’s SDCC-KC unit throughout, providing ideas, recommendations and feedback to ensure the unit could support the KM focals in their new role and with their new remit.

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