Online Tailored Training in Knowledge Management with ASEAN
Why an online tailored training? Online tailored training can be a great resource for busy teams that find it challenging to get the time to attend face-to-face training. An online...
I’d say we seek to be authentic and effective. To better connect and coordinate action with others. To really flourish in roles we believe in and contribute to purposes we are still inspired by. There are claims that we live in a VUCA world, one that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. That organisations are not stable structures of a Newtonian mind-set – but complex, adaptive systems. That there’s a compelling call for purpose-driven organisations to organise differently and dynamically. That those identified with management and leadership need to be different from their predecessors. Our Leadership and Management in Development training course provides space to pay attention to these claims as we learn the practicalities of management and engage with concepts of leadership. Good management is helpful and rewarding - the life blood of effective delivery! And certain concepts of leadership translate into liberating organisations and their impact. Joseph Jaworski¹ said, “Before you can lead others… you have to discover yourself” and Jim Kouzes² maintains the very best organisations’ liberate the leader in everyone.
Our content is informed by current concepts and from our own practice as internal consultants supporting the work of development practitioners in all sorts of organisations as they contribute to bring about social change.
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